Lateral Ankle Sprain: Why is it so recurrent?



The lateral aspect of the ankle is generally made up of 3 main ligaments; Anterior Talo-Fibular Ligament (ATFL), Calcaneal Fibular Ligament (CFL) and Posterior Talo-Fibular Ligament (PTFL) (See figure 1). These ligaments help to provide stability to the ankle joint by limiting the inversion movement of the ankle in the dorsiflexion and plantarflexion range. When one or more ligaments are stretched beyond the normal range, a sprain results.

Figure 1: Lateral View of the Ankle


Grade Signs and Symptoms
1I级 踝关节扭伤是痛苦的,但与未加注的一侧相比,它们不会增加松弛。这种与ATFL的温和拉伸相关。
二年级 踝关节扭伤是痛苦的,并且在测试上具有增加的松弛。这与ATFL的完全撕裂和CFL的部分撕裂相关。
二年级I Ankle sprains are usually painful and have an unstable ankle joint on examination. This correlates with complete ruptures of both the ATFL and CFL.

Mechanism of Injury



When a person sprains his ankle, he may experience:

  • pain or soreness
  • 肿胀
  • 瘀血
  • difficulty walking, and/or
  • 关节僵硬

These symptoms may vary in intensity, depending on the severity of the sprain. In persons with previous ankle sprains, pain and swelling may be absent. Instead, they may feel that the ankle is wobbly and unstable when they walk. However, the lack of pain does not mean it is safe to return to activity. The pain can subside fairly quickly but that does not necessarily mean that the injured ligaments have healed. Even if the ligaments have healed, there is still a chance of a recurrent ankle sprain because the ligaments will never be as strong as before to stabilise the ankle joint.

Proper classification of the ankle sprain would improve the management and rehabilitation of the ankle sprain to prevent recurrent sprains.


RICER and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Managementof the lateral ankle sprain should start the moment it happens. The R.I.C.E.R (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, Review) regime should be enforced within the first 72 hours post-injury.抗炎药可能会推荐。如果脚踝太疼痛,可以提供拐杖,因为踝关节过于疼痛。


Proper Rehabilitation


  1. range of motion exercises,
  2. progressivemuscle-strengthening exercises
  3. Benrioceptive /平衡培训,和
  4. 特定活动培训。

Range of motion exercises normally begins on the first session of physiotherapy treatment together with soft tissue mobilization to manage the swelling.

Taping for Swelling Management of Ankle Sprain
Figure 2: Taping for Swelling Management of Ankle Sprain



踝关节扭伤的Broprioceptive Taping
Figure 3: Proprioceptive Taping for Ankle Sprain


Gentle strengthening exercises and stretches would commence once the pain and swelling are managed. This would normally start in the 2nd-week post-injury. Theraband exercises to strengthen the evertors and functional exercises like calf raises would be done to improve the strength of the ankle. Calf stretches would prevent tightness of the calf muscles arising to the compensation mechanism which prevents the pain.

Proprioceptive training is also an integral part of the rehab at about this time. Balancing on 1 leg with eyes open and eyes closed are taught as home exercises4.。In the clinic, balancing on unstable surfaces (e.g. wobble board/rocker-board/dura-disc) will be done. Proprioceptive taping may also be done to speed up the recovery process [Figure 3].

Progression of these exercises will go on until about the 4th week. These exercises would be good enough for non-athletes for them to get discharged.

With athletes, sports specific rehab will need to be done and completed before they return to sports. Criteria for them to return to sports varies from sport to sport. A simple functional test to determine whether they are ready to return to sports will be either doing a triple hop test or a 8m hop test, where the results are compared between the injured ankle and the non-injured one.


预防复发性侧踝关节扭伤是possible. However, proper classification is required. This is so that the appropriate management can be administered.


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  3. Jones MH, Amendola AS. Acute treatment of inversion ankle sprains: immobilization versus functional treatment. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007 Feb;455:169-72.
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