
Do you have heel pain? And think it is Plantar Fasciitis?



As shown in the illustration, both structures are in the same area of the heel whereas the plantar fascia (illustrated as plantar apponeurosis) is covered by the fat pad. The plantar fascia attaches at the toes and forms the medial (longitudinal) arch of the foot. It provides static support of the medial arch and dynamic shock absorption. The main functions of the fad pad is shock absorption of stress during heel strike (heel contact during walking).



足底筋膜炎is an overuse condition of the plantar fascia.

  • Contributing factors它经常出现在人的足部畸形如扁平足(低拱门)或PES高弓足(高足弓)。在行走过程中,并因此引起疼痛此畸形可导致在面板的过度应变。其他危险因素可导致增加的压力在筋膜不合适或不支持鞋类,减少流动性的脚踝,肥胖和工作相关的负重。
  • 临床症状和体征典型的临床症状是肿胀的足底fascia and can be confirmed by ultrasound investigations. People with plantar fasciitis classically have a gradual onset of symptoms and feel their pain more on the inner side of the heel. Further symptoms are acute tenderness of the inner side of the heel, a tight plantar fascia and pain during stretching of the fascia. Especially the first steps in the morning or after rest are painful. The pain seems to decrease after a few minutes, and returns as the day proceeds and time on the feet increases.
  • Management由于足底筋膜,导致疼痛,治疗包括拉伸和按摩,释放紧张的筋膜和小腿肌肉的松紧程度。其他管理包括避免加重活动(例如穿高跟鞋),冷疗法(白饭),消炎药,盘带至救济疼痛,最后关键的是要加强在这痛苦的过程已经削弱了小腿肌肉。有些病人谁仍然保守治疗可能需要手术后的症状。


Heel fat pad syndrome通常是由脂肪垫的降低的弹性造成的。一个秋天到从​​高处或与鞋类差长期过度足跟撞击脚后跟也能导致足跟痛。

  • Contributing factors增加的年龄和体重减少脂肪垫的弹性。
  • 临床症状和体征:相比于足底筋膜炎,脂肪垫相关脚跟疼痛感觉更在尤其是当脚后跟被加载(脚跟着地)脚后跟的外侧。MRI调查将揭示出肿​​胀的迹象脂肪垫的变化。
  • 管理:治疗目的是避免加重活动卸载脚跟。在急性情况R.I.C.E.规则(休息冰压缩海拔)应适用和抗炎药中给出。进一步处理包括盘带,使用硅凝胶后跟垫和使用适当的鞋类的。



  1. 布鲁克纳,P&汗,K 2007,临床运动医学,3RD版,塔塔麦格劳希尔,澳大利亚
  2. 科尔,C,濑,G&Gazewood,J 2005,“足底筋膜炎诊断和Therapy`基于证据的审查,美国家庭医生卷。72,没有。11,页。2237-42。
  3. 托马斯,JL,克里斯坦森,, JC,克拉维茨,, SR,Mendicino,RW,Schuberth,JM,Vanore,JV,韦尔,LS,兹洛托夫,HJ,布谢,R&贝克,J 2010,'诊断和足跟痛的治疗:临床实践指南,修订2010`,该杂志足踝外科卷。49,第1-19页。