- 什么是物理治疗在乐动体育汇新加坡?
- What are the fields of practice for Physiotherapists?
- 伯恩斯和塑料手术康复
- Cardio-respiratory Physiotherapy
- 慢性疼痛管理
- 儿童发展评估/治疗
- Gerontology
- Care of the elderly
- 神经康复
- 头部外伤,中风和神经系统疾病
- 骨科
- 儿科,儿童发展评估/治疗
- Sports Physiotherapy
- 女性健康
- 姑息治疗
- 核心概念专注于哪些领域?
- 慢性疼痛管理
- 神经康复
- 中风和神经系统疾病
- 骨科
- 儿科(骨科)
- Sports Physiotherapy
- 女性健康
- 正在新加坡理疗师许可或卫生部注册?
- 需要什么样的资格?
- 如何与其他补充乐动体育汇替代医学(CAM)物理疗法有什么不同?
- Physiotherapists seem to do the same things as with some Complementary Alternative Medicine techniques. How is that different?
- 我将是一个会议后更好?
- 你看不到我一周一次?
- 我觉得90%更好,希望停止治疗?
- 我应该得到我的体育事件之前按摩24个小时?
- 我应该让我的事件之后的运动按摩?
- 我应该得到训练期间运动按摩?
- 我应该得到一个运动按摩为我受伤的肩膀/背?
- 我将在1小时内得到全身按摩
- What is the difference between sports massage and physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a science-based profession that involves the prevention, assessment and treatment of disorders of human movement due to physical disabilities, trauma or illness. It helps patients relieve pain, improve muscle strength, joint range and mobility, increase exercise tolerance and improve respiratory function. It takes a ‘whole person’ approach to health and well-being, which includes the patient’s general lifestyle.
Physiotherapy as a health professional field employs any medically proven technique that is effective and “documentation-based” i.e. verifiable results from research and tests.
Physiotherapy is an extremely wide field of practice. Physiotherapists generally focus on a one or two of these fields below:
Physiotherapy is generally a degree-based profession. In Australia and the UK, it is very extensive 4-year full-time bachelor degree programme, similar to an engineering degree.
In the United States, to practice as a physical therapist is today requires a Doctor of Physical Therapy.
In most cases, there will be a combination of both muscle and joint involvement. Muscles are tight, stressed, strained all describing the same phenomena. Muscle can also be weak and therefore painful when exerted. In this instance a person may benefit from strengthening and stretching exercises all which will take a little time to achieve.
Again it is the role of the physiotherapists to decide what he/she feels is the best treatment modality to reduce the joint abnormality and thus the patients symptoms. However one session of joint mobilising may not be enough or be too painful, if for example the joint has been stiff for a year. Therefore more often than not a several sessions are required to loosen and mobilise the joint effectively.
After the initial assessment the physiotherapist should have a good idea about the prognosis of your condition and should be able to provide you with a rough estimate of how many session you will need and over what period.
对抗生素的比喻再次绘制你就必须尽快完成治疗的全程治疗,你就不会停止服用抗生素效果十足的你认为your feeling better if your GP/ Phramacist has advised you to take the course of antibiotics for ten days.
The problem with repeating this cycle, is each time you strain your back, it produces scar tissue in the affected ligaments and muscles. Scar tissue at its best, will never be as strong or as tensile as muscle tissue and therefore will further compromise the integrity of the affected structures leading to an even greater risk of recurrent injuries.
Hence it makes more sense to reduce your initial symptoms, learn how to look after your back, discover what is straining your back and strengthen your core muscles with individually prescribed exercises.
If the underlying cause of your injury is unknown, it is advisable to seek an opinion of a health professional like physiotherapist to first identify it. It is always possible for a massage to further aggravate your condition if massage is not the appropriate approach for relief.
Unlike a spa setting, our aim to not relax your mind but to manage your muscles needs. Typically, for 1-hour will either focus on your lower body e.g. calfs, thigh or upper body. For a full body coverage, clients usually schedule for a 1.5 – 2 hour session.
Sports massage aims to release muscle tightness and/or help it recover from intense training. Sports massage does not correct or indentify causes of injuries such as bio-mechanical faults, issues with the joints. Nonetheless, some sports massage therapist have gained additional training and or accumulated significant amounts of experience with certain injuries. But rehabilitation is not a area of focus and training for sports massage therapists.