Ankle and Foot Pain – Physiotherapy Treatment for Effective Pain Relief
遇到阻止你做你喜欢的事情脚踝或足部疼痛?你并不孤单 - 足踝疼痛是一种常见的疾病,影响所有年龄的人。这些痛苦可能会出现由于预先存在的如扁平足或伤害的问题。
踝关节扭伤是最常见的脚踝受伤,发生的每天超过25000次,在美国. Ankle sprains are common in sports such a hockey or basketball and the severity of the sprain can range from a simple one that requires rest and ice, to a severe one where you need medical attention.
足部疼痛可以让它变成一个折磨你采取措施 - 让你很难走很长一段距离,并阻止您完成简单的日常任务轻松了。
If you’ve tried various methods for pain relief but can’t seem to find a lasting solution for your persistent ankle and foot pain – Core Concepts’乐动体育汇可能有你的答案。其他类型的解决方案,如止痛药和家庭疗法,只提供暂时的缓解疼痛,理疗治疗可为您提供一个永久的解决方案,你的脚踝和足部疼痛没有药物或手术治疗。乐动体育汇这是因为,我们不仅治标,但是我们也解决你的痛苦的根本原因。
Physiotherapists are experts in human anatomy and are experts in matters relating to muscles, bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. Ankle and Foot Pain Physiotherapy aims to relieve pain and treat the condition through methods such as manual therapy, manipulation, and exercises. Physiotherapy does not involve any medication or surgery but our physiotherapists can refer you to a specialist and work closely with them if necessary.
Common Ankle and Foot Pain Conditions that we treat
下面是一些常见踝部和足部的条件,我们对待 - 我们可以把大多数情况下,必要时可以向您推荐的专家。不能确定你的病情?下来进行考核,我们将帮助你找到答案。
- 踝关节骨折
- Gout
- Tendonitis
- Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
- Plantar Fasciitis
- 坐骨神经痛
Physiotherapy Provides More than Just Immediate Pain Relief
立即足踝疼痛 - 渐入佳境
在你的第一次会议,你的物理治疗师将运行一个全面的评估,以准确判断你的疼痛的原因。Afterwhich,你的物理治疗师将有助于通过提供即时缓解疼痛手法治疗by releasing tight knots or reducing the compression if necessary. This will ensure that you will walk out of our door in significantly less pain than when you first came to us.
Effective Ankle and Foot Pain Relief
Here at Core Concepts, we practice a value-based healthcare system – where we aim to maximize your rehabilitation potential. Our goal is to get you feeling better at the soonest with as few sessions as possible. During your first session,您的物理治疗师will also find out more about your treatment goals and develop a treatment plan that is suited to your needs.
持久的疼痛 - 住更好
Instead of only fixing the obvious symptoms, we dive deeper to find out the root cause of your pain and work on resolving that as well to ensure that the pain does not return. Your treatment plan will also include fixing the root cause of your pain to ensure that it does not relapse.
Better than Before
Core Concepts – Ankle and Foot Pain Relief Specialists
疼痛是更复杂的比你想象的。很多时候,答案是什么造成你的痛苦远远大于你所期望的更深。需要注意的是你的脚不是身体的独立部件是很重要的 - 它可以被人体的其他部位也受到影响。
踝关节和足部疼痛 - 一种症状,不是一个条件
The Thinking Physiotherapists
- 我能做些什么,以防止踝关节扭伤?
There are certain methods to降低你的踝关节扭伤的风险- 如果你参加体育部分或享受跑步,一定要在运动前的热身。这将大大减少你受伤的风险。此外,一定要穿鞋与活动很好地支持您正在使用他们。具有良好的支撑座,将有助于吸收高冲击运动的冲击,如运行。
One can also make the choice to reduce the frequency of high impact sports and participate in lower impact sports like swimming instead. - When do I need medical treatment for ankle pain?
There are various degrees to an ankle sprain. Most ankle sprains are simple and can heal on its own with care. If you have a simple ankle sprain that feels sore after falling or landing on your foot wrongly, simply performR.I.C.E. However, if your ankle pain is so severe that you are unable to place weight on your ankle or if it is swollen and does not go away in a couple of days.
- 有什么治疗方法适用于扁平足?
扁平足本身不需要治疗。Treatment is only necessary if you are experiencing pain in your foot. Our physiotherapists will firstly assess your foot to determine the cause of the pain and determine the most suitable treatment plan to resolve it. Treatment methods could range from manual therapy, exercise therapy or custom orthotics.
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