
体验肘或腕关节疼痛?如果你从事体育运动,爱好或有需要重复手臂运动的工作 - 有增加的机会,你会体验到手肘或手腕疼痛。这通常是due to overuse issues or strainsin the joint or muscle. Physiotherapy treatment can provide elbow and wrist pain relief.



If you’ve tried various methods for elbow or wrist pain relief but can’t seem to find a lasting solution for your persistent pain – Core Concepts’乐动体育汇may have your answer. Compared to other types of solutions such as止痛药and home remedies that only offer temporary pain relief, Physiotherapy can provide you with a permanent solution to your elbow or wrist pain. This is because we do not only treat the symptoms, but we also fix the underlying cause of your pain.



理疗师是在人体解剖学专家和在有关肌肉,骨骼,关节,肌腱和韧带事务专家。肘部和腕部疼痛理疗的目的,以减轻疼痛和通过乐动体育汇诸如手法治疗,操纵和运动治疗的条件。乐动体育汇物理治疗不涉及任何药物或手术治疗,但our physiotherapists可以参考你的专家,如果有必要密切与他们合作。



下面是一些常见的肘部和腕部的条件,我们对待 - 我们可以把大多数情况下,必要时可以向您推荐的专家。不能确定你的病情?下来进行考核,我们将帮助你找到答案。


立即手肘或手腕疼痛 - 渐入佳境



这里的核心概念,我们实行以价值为基础的医疗保健系统 - 我们的目标是最大限度地提高您的康复潜力。我们的目标是让你的感觉,最快更好的尽可能少的会话。在你的第一次会议,你的物理治疗师也将更多地了解你的治疗目标,并开发出适合您需要的治疗方案。

持久肘或手腕疼痛 - 住更好


Better than Before



Tania Chevrez
Tania Chevrez
This is hands down one of the best physiotherapy places in Singapore. I have been working with Lynn for a few months and she has been absolutely brilliant about fixing my immediate issues while helping me work towards long term goals. The front desk staff is super nice and very helpful in working with your schedules. I can't recommended them enough.
Very professional and caring Therapists. My left foot has been hurting for months. After 3 sessions with the therapist, 80% of the pain was gone. However, the remaining 20% still lingered on. They then had me do the functional training. After few sessions, I am left with only 2% of the pain and I am being discharged. The team is very professional and effective. Thanks everyone!
Theressa Lim
Theressa Lim
Claire Loh
Claire Loh
我喜欢这里 !我已经来到这里了数个月,它已帮助了我很多!
Charlene Koh
Charlene Koh
Great place to help me recover, improve and boost my well being and moral too. The theraphist and staffs are super doped and friendly. Always looking forward for my next session with them. Truly a better way to recover!
UNKLE Diqqin
UNKLE Diqqin

Core Concepts – Elbow or Wrist Pain Relief Specialists

肘部和手腕疼痛是比较复杂的比你想象的 - 很多时候,答案是什么造成你的痛苦远远深于你所期望的东西。人体解剖学是骨骼,肌肉,关节,韧带,帮助你完成你的日常功能的相互关联的系统。这是要注意重要的是你的手肘或手腕是不是身体的独立部件 - 它可以被人体的其他部位也受到影响。


Elbow or wrist Pain, like a fever, is a symptom and could be an indication of a multitude of problems. Medication can get rid of the fever, but without going to the doctor to get a proper diagnosis, you will be unable to find out the root cause of the fever. Without treating the root cause, the fever will likely return. And the body has an amazing to heal and recover from a whole host of problems.


At Core Concepts, we understand the importance of diagnosing and treating the root cause to prevent a recurrence. We are firm believers in ‘The Thinking Physiotherapist’ and acknowledge that pain is a symptom and has various layers.

Our first step is determining the root cause of the problem by digging deeper into the symptoms layer by layer. After determining the root cause, we resolve the multiple layers of pain you feel. Instead of just simply temporarily relieving your pain symptoms, we also aim to fix the underlying cause. After, we ensure that your pain doesn’t return by making sure your body is stronger and more functional.


  1. 我能做些什么来防止肘部疼痛?

    预防常见的过度使用导致elbo受伤w pain can be as simple as the following. If you play sports or have hobbies that require you to use your elbow often, make sure that you stretch. Ensuring that you stretch before and after can be helpful in preventing pain or potential injuries. Strengthening surrounding muscle groups such as your forearm, biceps and triceps can help to prevent pain as well. Strengthening these muscle groups help to take the load off your elbow joint during strenuous movements, preventing pain and injuries.

  2. What can I do to prevent wrist pain?


  3. 当我看到肘或腕关节疼痛物理治疗师?

    Seeking a physiotherapist as early as possible would allow an efficient recovery period. However, you should seek a physiotherapist immediately if you have been experiencing pain that is severe and limiting your movement or pain is mechanical – pain getting worse by making a particular movement or doing certain activities. At Core Concepts, we are dedicated to addressing your issues and getting you back to full activity.

  4. What treatments are available?

    Some of the treatments methods that we employ are manual therapy and strengthening exercises. Your treatment plan will be determined by your therapist after assessing your condition. For more severe cases, surgery may be required. We are able to refer you to a specialist after assessing your condition if necessary.